Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Earliest Museum of India

India museum ticket to the Museum of India
Neo smoking before we go into India Museum :) Neo stop smoking it is going to kill you :) but what can you do we all got to die sometime.

Neo in front of the Museum of India
The first thing I noticed was the fact that if you are foreign the fee to enter is 150 rubes if you are local it is only around 30 rubes. Huge difference. Kind of not fair either. But such as life we are rich compared to 95% of the people in india. Most people make under 1000 dollar a month and I mean most.

The IT just soared 30% while I was here so people are getting paid 30% more starting this week acording to the news here in Kalkata. and this is for all of india for IT related work. Interesting guess that is going to hurt outsourcing i knew this was going to happen I just did not know it was going to happen so soon. People if you want to create products or programs you better do it fast as soon India will not be as cheap as it used to be. But i am sure it will always be cheaper then US prices!

Yaksha Guardian
In Palina Bihar.

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