Monday, July 19, 2010

40 days and 40 nights in a India vacation

India Vacation adventure
My India Vacation all starts out in San Fransisco on my way to my India vacation. I started going over the Golden Gate Bridge first. and it was a trip. Only if you could see the beauty of this bridge it is amazing. One could say it is one of the greatest bridges ever built .

Finally I made it to the airport, in SF i had no problem in the airport it was not until I landed iN germany to catch a transfere to Kalkata India where I had an issue. Guess Germany was a little more security aware as I had some liquids with me that SF did not catch. Funny thing security is, what is all the money spent on airport security if it does not work?

Now I am off on the plane where I meet some dangerous species called grey foot and silver walker. Both are deadly attackers which I meant on the plane. Funny thing is they could kill you if you get a sniff of them. Grey foot is the most deadly of them all as it sicks the most. What I mean is I was playing footse with the person in front of me on the plane not on purpose just it came up that my foot was being seen by them, mainly my sock so we started a fantcy of the silver walker and the grey foot:) got to kill time on the plane some how going to India 20 plus hours. Anyway I fell asleep shortly after takeoff and only woke up a few times and then I was In india! I loved it strange new place.

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