Thursday, August 12, 2010

Birthday Party in Office In India

Well While my stay here in Kalkata India I have to work and today we experienced an India birthday party. It was a little different from America birthday party in the office.

As you can see here in the video a party in the office space ;) After they make a wish and blow out the candles but no song? The birthday girl takes the first slice of Cake and then passes it around to her friends to take a small bite before finishing itup. At First I thought they were trying to make a mess with each other but that I guess depends on the birthday person.

I must say everyone is really nice here in India and very much trying to please visitors. Even on TV they have advertisements to remind the public to be nice to visitor's and show them India Pride. I know one thing I will make it back to India again!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Earliest Museum of India

India museum ticket to the Museum of India
Neo smoking before we go into India Museum :) Neo stop smoking it is going to kill you :) but what can you do we all got to die sometime.

Neo in front of the Museum of India
The first thing I noticed was the fact that if you are foreign the fee to enter is 150 rubes if you are local it is only around 30 rubes. Huge difference. Kind of not fair either. But such as life we are rich compared to 95% of the people in india. Most people make under 1000 dollar a month and I mean most.

The IT just soared 30% while I was here so people are getting paid 30% more starting this week acording to the news here in Kalkata. and this is for all of india for IT related work. Interesting guess that is going to hurt outsourcing i knew this was going to happen I just did not know it was going to happen so soon. People if you want to create products or programs you better do it fast as soon India will not be as cheap as it used to be. But i am sure it will always be cheaper then US prices!

Yaksha Guardian
In Palina Bihar.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Today I went to the Temple of Belur Math with Deep and Mimi, first you had to get a car ride to the docks where you would take a boat to reach the temples which was pretty cool.

Video of car ride to Belur math temples.

Then we had to take a Boat ride to temples to reach our destination it was great fun. Deep and me in the back groud along with a lot of other Indian's. :)

Belur Math boat rideMimi is deeps Girl Friend in purple shirt

Belur Math boat ride

which are "Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission are twin organizations which form the core of a worldwide spiritual movement (known as Ramakrishna Movement or Vedanta Movement), which aims at the harmony of religions, harmony of the East and the West, harmony of the ancient and the modern, spiritual fulfillment, all-round development of human faculties, social equality, and peace for all humanity, without any distinctions of creed, caste, race or nationality.

RAMAKRISHNA MATH is a monastic organization for men brought into existence by
Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886), the great 19th century saint of Bengal who is regarded as the Prophet of the Modern Age.

RAMAKRISHNA MISSION is a registered society in which monks of Ramakrishna Math and lay devotees cooperate in conducting various types of social service mainly in India. It was founded by Sri Ramakrishna's chief apostle, Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), one of the foremost thinkers and religious leaders of the present age, who is regarded as 'one of the main moulders of the modern world', in the words of an eminent Western scholar A. L. Basham.

Although Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission are legally and financially separate, they are closely inter-related in several other ways, and are to be regarded as twin organizations."

There are 171 branches of this org. in India and though out the world.

The Headquarters are in Belur Math. All branch of Ramakrishna Math come under the administrative control of the Board of Trustees, I can only imagine that a religion has a board of trustees :) only in our world would we do this.

Here is a video of the temples trip.

video 2

The motto of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission is:
Atmano mokshartham jagad hitaya cha,
"For one's own salvation, and for the welfare of the world".

For more info look at this blog


When the Gods lay exhausted after warring with the demons, the evil-natured demon king Mahishasura took the opportunity to assemble an army and declare himself Lord of Heaven, Ruler of the Universe.

This blasphemy reached Vishnu's ears and, in anger, he shot forth a terrible light from his forehead. Shiva, too, was angry. ascended from his lofty state of meditation and beamed a sharp ray of blinding light in the same direction as Vishnu. Brahma, Indra and the other mighty Gods did likewise, each issuing forth piercing rays of light. All the Gods' rays joined at one point and, slowly, the blazing concentration of light took shape in the form of a woman.

The light of Shiva formed her face; Yama gave her hair and Vishnu her arms. From the light of Chandra, the moon God, her two breasts were formed. Indra modeled her waist and Varuna her thighs. Earth gave her hips and Brahma gave her feet. The light from the fire God, Agni, fashioned her three eyes. Thus, all gods contributed their power to manifest the auspicious Devi, the great Mother Goddess ("Devi" is derived from the Sanskrit root word "div" which means "to shine" - the Shining One)."

Monday, July 19, 2010

India vacation day one | Driving in India

The start of my vacation in India

driving in india
The start of my vacation is off and little to my understanding this place was amazing. These taxi's are crazy and everyone in India is crazy while they drive. don't do it unless you want a real adventure. I thought hec if I can drive in new York then I can drive in India right ;) Wrong. check out this India driving experience and notice everyone hunks thier horn every 5 secs not for them or because they are upset but because to alert you so you don't get hit.

Starting Deep from India my friend and guide for the trip. If you go alone and think you can get around I would think again ;) This place is backwards no street signs but the nice thing is everything is broken down into sectors so once you get to a sector finding your way around is alot easier. Most taxi drivers don't know outside of their 1 mile radius so beware trying to go far places.

This is place a lot of fun but can also be alot of trouble. Kalkata is not the best place to vacation if you want beach and sun but it is a good place to soak up some culture and history of India and meet some cool friends as everyone is nice and respectful as you could imagine all of india is like.

Don't get to scared when you see cars coming right at you since this is an everyday occurrence in vacation in India :) Everywhere else they would get a ticket here it is common to find this.

Only some survive while others die off in the streets of Kalkata :)

I almost got hit about 3 times in one day so look left and right even on one way streets as it is ok to go the wrong way on a one way street like we are in this shoot :0 Visit India just be careful while you walk and ride :0 But above all do visit India since it is a beautiful place!

40 days and 40 nights in a India vacation

India Vacation adventure
My India Vacation all starts out in San Fransisco on my way to my India vacation. I started going over the Golden Gate Bridge first. and it was a trip. Only if you could see the beauty of this bridge it is amazing. One could say it is one of the greatest bridges ever built .

Finally I made it to the airport, in SF i had no problem in the airport it was not until I landed iN germany to catch a transfere to Kalkata India where I had an issue. Guess Germany was a little more security aware as I had some liquids with me that SF did not catch. Funny thing security is, what is all the money spent on airport security if it does not work?

Now I am off on the plane where I meet some dangerous species called grey foot and silver walker. Both are deadly attackers which I meant on the plane. Funny thing is they could kill you if you get a sniff of them. Grey foot is the most deadly of them all as it sicks the most. What I mean is I was playing footse with the person in front of me on the plane not on purpose just it came up that my foot was being seen by them, mainly my sock so we started a fantcy of the silver walker and the grey foot:) got to kill time on the plane some how going to India 20 plus hours. Anyway I fell asleep shortly after takeoff and only woke up a few times and then I was In india! I loved it strange new place.